Today, I want to shed some extra light on what comes out of you??
Hmm I bet someone just said "what is she talking about?"
Ok I am talking about what comes out of the female genital tract(vagina).
Some of us have been privileged to have listened somewhere or read somewhere what the characteristics(texture,quantity,color,scent etc) of the normal female vaginal discharge should actually be like on the other hand more of us haven't been down that road before.
So, for those who already know, you might still discover something and for those who do not, lets travel the road of learning together!
First, you need to know that the term VAGINAL DISCHARGE doesn't necessarily refer to a disease!
It just means something coming out of the female genital tract.
Secondly, you need to know that the basic function of the vagina is the work of a "passage"from the outside into the female internal organs (uterus, Fallopian tubes, ovaries).
What you need to remember:
-Various changes in the female's organism affects the characteristics of the vaginal discharge e.g menstrual cycle, pregnancy ,stress, pills, sexual arousal, diet and breastfeeding. All these changes can affect hormonal balances(you know the female organism is a truck full of hormones!!)
Let me focus on the key characteristics that should be a rule of the thumb.
-Color: Should be thick white or clear more fluid variant or maybe yellowish when dry (this variability is due to different phases of menstrual cycle)
-Scent: mild scent or none at all.
-Texture: maybe sticky,pasty or stretchy (also depends on phase of menstrual cycle)
-Volume: from very little to alot especially after exercise ,arousal or during ovulation.
-Absolutely painless ,no discomfort.
Something is most probably wrong when:
-Color: is yellowish or greenish or color suddenly changes from being normal to any other shade(an exception brownish looking discharge shortly after menses is a cleaning mechanism..,also spotting with blood can occur mid-cycle or during pregnancy ,so don't worry about that!)
-Scent: is strong,foul smelling or smells "fishy".
-Texture: clumpy or lump cheese like.
-Volume:sudden and constant increase in volume especially when any of the above is present.
-Presence of itching,burning or rash elements.
These abnormalities may indicate vaginitis(inflammation of the vagina) which can be caused by various pathogens. Relatively common infections are bacterial vaginosis (BV), yeast infections(monilla), and trichomoniasis. Irritations of the vagina that can lead to abnormal discharge may also be caused by douches, deodorant sprays, perfumed soaps, sex, allergies, and changing hormone levels. (refer to my previous post on hygiene here)
NB; Do not self diagnose .Consult your doctor if any of these changes occur.
Thanks for reading!
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Stay healthy!